The day of my arrival into the world!
Previously, I had been held physically and mentally captive in the evil clutches of the “Best of Scottish” gift shop clerks. Surrounded by my equally ever-suffering kin, scattered items of tourist interest and scraps of tartan from various clans, I had little to live for. If not for the distant smell of freshly rained-on highland grass that could have been real or imagined, I may not have been here on this fateful day. The day my true destiny- to travel the world, encountering adventures of all kinds and finding my inner self- began.
My name is Moo. Or at least it is now that someone has bothered to grace me with my own title. I am one of Scotland’s most renowned and revered animals: the Highland Cow (pronounced Haighland Coo in Scots-speak of course). I wish I could tell you my age, but to be honest, I am not too sure. Time before my Rebirth seemed to have no beginning to me, and I thought it would have no end. Thankfully, I have left that behind me now. My former life can hardly be called living, so I doubt I would celebrate the day it began if I knew it anyway.
On to my tale! On this uncharacteristically sunny Scottish day, at approximately 1430 hours, I met my true family. In the interest of anonymity, I cannot of course, tell you too much about them but I can say that I am now a proud member of the Brown clan. I am yet to procure a sample of our clan tartan, as it is a wee bit harder to find than those of the more well known clans, but I would surely love to deck myself out in our traditional family attire. It is something I hope to achieve before we leave Scotland in the coming days. For now, please enjoy the background, consisting of the Brown Clan tartan. It's all I have.
One particular member of this small branch of the Brown clan (there are four of us in total on our wee trip but I am told there are many more family members and friends for me to meet back home- but that’s a story yet to begin of course) took particular interest in me and insisted I became part of the family. She is quite taken with the “peculiar appearance” of the Highland Cows (her opinion, not at all reflecting my own- walking on two feet? Now THAT’S peculiar). Differences of opinion aside, we hit it off and I’m glad to say we have become inseparable in a matter of days.Finally I could feel the Scottish wind in my fur! I was free. It’s a joy I wish I could describe but words just can’t do justice to moments like that. I spent my first day like any giddy escapee- pleasure from the simplest of life’s offerings and all that. Not only did I have the chance of tasting my first real meal but I got a real treat in my first pint of Strongbow cider. It’s sure to be a lifelong favourite. The day of my Rebirth coincided with a parade of some 250 horses down the Royal Mile. The sight of their wind-swept manes cemented my instinct that the Brown Clan was the family for me- a trip around UK, Ireland and Europe ahead of me, is the freedom I couldn’t even imagine before. After the trip, I’ll be living permanently in Sydney, Australia. I’m told the cows there have short fur! I am however, sure that someday I’ll set my sights to the horizon, in search of another strange land to discover.
But for now, my adventure is just beginning
Ever wandering, never lost
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